Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Basterd Sons & Daughters

Over at The Film Experience Nat's been celebrating a day in favor of Quentin Tarantino's latest epic conversation piece Inglourious Basterds, and I seized the opportunity to take a look-see at what's coming up next for several of the actors that lit up the screen therein. Read it here.

And nobody's gonna be shocked to learn that coming from me the lightiest light therein was Michael Fassbender. I think I reined myself in nicely over there though... meaning I didn't just holler how hot he was for endless paragraph upon paragraph... that's what here's for, after all.

No, I will keep myself in check. But here
are three new pictures from Centurion!



Sal said...

Whaaaa? There is a female love interest in Centurion, Noooh!!!

Here I was looking forward to some real good old fashioned Roman Homo loving bewteen Fassbender and West!

Julia said...

I think it's official- Michael F has earned his spot in your Unhealthy Obsession column. ;)

Joe Reid said...

THAT'S you holding back, huh? I was wondering.