Tuesday, February 02, 2010

There Ain't Enough Exclaimation Points In The World...


... to get across how gosh-golly-gee'd excited I am that Lost is back tonight! The final run of episodes shall begin! Answers will be forthcoming, probably, eventually! Holy crap!

I ask y'all, on a scale from 1 up to 5, how excited are you?




Jason H. said...

Best show on television?
This + Oscar nominations = Best Day Ever.

Agnes B said...

Which one of those equals not excited? Of course it's because I'm not on the bandwagon and have debated hopping onboard for a long time. I'd hate to be a fairweather fan.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited only cause I want to know what the fuck is going on on that island, and I've been wanting to for 5 years.

But I'm not watching anymore, so I'll let someone fill me in later. The last thing I knew, does the island move through space and time?
Ugh, I so don't want to care about this.

Dale said...

I'm very unexcited for the return of the dreaded Holy Crap When Will It END Already Love Triangle. Nothing would make me so happy as to have Kate, Jack and Sawyer all suddenly acting in a completely platonic manner. Or Kate and Jack could just die or fly off to Sweden on a magic carpet and never be seen again, because I wouldn't really miss them.