Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten Frames Of Tom Hardy In Bronson

At least for the time being - read: probably forever - the movie Bronson has defeated my ability to write up a coherent review type thingamajig. It's an awesomely bizarre film, reveling in its own off-center weirdness and the ballsy (quite literally) ballast of Tom Hardy in the lead. And Hardy's quite happy to stick his fingers up under the skin of the film-stock and dig right in. Tastes delicious! Thankfully the film - like Hardy - is also quite a looker. So let's revel in that!



Hugh Man said...

My goodness what restraint you've shown! I do hope you save me the trouble of getting some screen captures later on. T.H. is the man.

Jason Adams said...

I felt like I knew his dick better than my own by the time the movie was thru! My goodness.

Illust888 said...

That movie was like a Nyquil haze of color & goodness. Loved it!