Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


shaun said...

Snakes on a Plane?

Taffy said...


Jason Adams said...

I wish it were SoaP! But no, it is not. There are no motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane in this motherfucking post.

Jason Adams said...

Ack we posted at the same time, Taffy. It isn't Flightplan either. Truth: I have never seen Flightplan. Should I?

Taffy said...

Actually, no you shouldn't see it. It's kinda dull.

DS said...

I want to say this is "Red Eye", but that second pic makes me think the movie is older than that.

Jason Adams said...

Ya got it, DS; it is in fact Red Eye. Don't be fooled! ;-)

Ivan said...

The framegrabs you picked make Red Eye seem so much more interesting than I would think.

shaun said...

I kind of want to go back and watch Red Eye again...as I recall, twas an okay movie. I recall fondly those five minutes when it seemed like Rachel McAdams was going to take off into the stratosphere!

Jason Adams said...

I liked a lot of Red Eye, I did. It kinda goes to shit at the end but it's an entertaining thriller that doesn't overstay its welcome and has two appealing people front and center.