Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Farted Once On The Set Of The Blue Lagoon


After reading Conan O'Brien's terrific response to the NBC debacle this week, I flashed back to his scene in the South Park movie for some reason. "You loved our movie, Conan! We watched it together. Remember? You laughed." "What have I done?" SMASH. Ahh memories.


RJ said...


Joe Reid said...

Speaking of which, do NOT see Crazy Heart if you're only looking to see Beth Grant and/or you get angry at seeing Beth Grant wasted in a movie where she doesn't even get to speak!

(That said, even wordless, she may still elicit a laugh or two, because she's Beth effing Grant and she's awesome.)

Jason Adams said...

Ha, I'm reading through the article now and when it mentioned she's in Crazy Heart my heart leapt at that, so thanks for scaling back my expectations there, Joe. I can't believe she doesn't speak in it! WTF? How dare they?

RJ thank you so much for bringing this article to my attention! Like I said I'm in the middle of it and it's already brought me so much joy. That woman is JOY.

Joe Reid said...

"I did this whole thing where I recited The Wasteland to The Rock on the beach. It was this awesome, awesome scene, but it just did not carry the plot forward whatsoever, so unfortunately it had to go."

No, God forbid that movie have anything that doesn't carry the plot forward whatsoever. What a delightful interview! I adore that woman.