Friday, January 08, 2010

I Am Link

--- Green Eyed Monster - I am so fucking jealous! Argh! A bunch of horror sites got VHS promo copies of Ti West's wonderful flick The House of the Devil this week. I want! Me! Me dammit! Those pics to the right are via BD where they went on about how wonderful their life is. GRR. I'm gonna go make a pact with Satan, slaughter me some babysitters, see what I can get done.

--- Dead TV - MTV is going to make a series based on Dawn of the Dead. There will be fast zombies that will decay into slow zombies, I guess, which will dodge that eternal query. It's just the fact that this is MTV that's throwing me off - I thought they only made shitty reality shows now? Although I must admit I caught a little bit of that slasher version they did of My Super Sweet 16 and found some amusement therein. The birthday girl decapitated while on roller-skates and then skating into her birthday cake would be a big one.

--- Ghost In Machine - Over at Slash they've got the German-language version of the trailer for Roman Polanski's new flick, The Ghost Writer, with Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan, which is apparently out on Feb 19th? Really? So soon? Are they capitalizing on some court dates or something maybe?

--- Speaking Of Ewan, even though he hasn't made a movie in awhile that I've wanted to see (I Love You Phillip Morris isn't out yet), his name is still enough to make me click on a story to see what's up, and bless that fact because otherwise I would've missed this new Michael Fassbender news. Via DH:

"Ewan McGregor, Dennis Quaid, Michael Douglas and Michael Fassbender have all joined the cast of Steven Soderbergh's spy thriller "Knockout" reports The Playlist.

Mixed martial arts fighter Gina Carano strs in the film as Mallory Kane, a black ops super soldier who seeks to uncover who has set her up to take the fall for a job that goes bad and involves a murder.

McGregor is the owner of the private military company which Kane works for, Douglas plays a government figure, Fassbender is a member of Kane's commando unit. Filming kicks off in February."

Fassbender & Soderbergh! Hells yeah. But this is just such an odd project, innit? Well not as odd as that insane Cleopatra rock-musical with Hugh Jackman that Steven was talking about making awhile back, but odd nonetheless.

--- If A Tree Falls - Meanwhile The Playlist is saying that Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life (with Brad Pitt and Sean Penn) might premiere at Cannes this year and then be out before the end of the year. Yeah we'll believe that one when we see it. Dude takes his time, and we can't complain since he's yet to make a bad movie with said time.

--- And finally, a pair of sequel-talk quotes. Via AICN here's James Cameron on Avatar:

"Yes, there'll be another."

I appreciate definitive statements. And next, also via AICN, here's Bill Paxton:

"I always thought the first ‘Twister’ was an exciting ride, but I thought a sequel could explore it in a more enthralling way, getting into more of the history and the lore, more of a darker version of the first one.”

Ooh I wanna Twister sequel I wanna Twister sequel yes! He's apparently really trying to get it made. In 3D! Cows in your face! Oh Lawd yes.


dashdog said...

Good news, JA, if you don't already know it -- Amazon has a special limited edition DVD/VHS bundle of "House Of The Devil" - something like 8000 copies are available and the gullible, excitable horror sap that I am, I promptly pre-ordered it. The funny thing is that there are probably 8000 VHS players left in America! Best, Nick

Jason Adams said...

Kick ass! Thanks for the heads-up, Nick!