Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


stujkx said...

Muriel's Wedding!

Jason Adams said...

Christ that was quick! Right on, Jason!

That sad little mug of tea spinning around depresses me so much.

Ross said...

Damn, I missed another one. And it's so rare that I know the answer. I guess I need to wake up earlier.

DuchessKitty said...

Man, I hate being on the west coast sometimes. I never see these soon enough. Not to take anything away from Jason - that was fast!

stujkx said...

I'm out west too, Kitty. It was just dumb luck that I happened to check the site pretty near to when it was posted...

But yay! I love being a winner!

augustburns2 said...

I recognized this one too!

I have seen Muriel's Wedding too many times!

Good for you Jason!