Friday, November 13, 2009

Regan's Soul... It's What's For Dinner!

This day is dragging and I'm beginning to slide off into one of my odd moods... yes, odder than usual is indeed possible... so my apologies if things (like this post's title) go wacky. But here, via here via BD, is some very curious news indeed. In an interview with Exorcist author William Peter Blatty the question arises if there was anything about William Friedkin's 1973 film that Blatty would've changed, and he responds thusly:

""Yes and no. I would love to have been able to include the subplot involving Karl and his daughter Elvira which I did in my first draft, but that script ran to 172 pages, much, much too long. But I might have it my way in the near future, inasmuch as I've written an Exorcist miniseries script that not only faithfully includes all the main elements of the novel, but also some rather spooky new material and scenes, as well as a totally new (and perhaps much more satisfying) ending. I've also updated it. Billy Friedkin has agreed to direct.""

Um... what's that now? Ya can't just throw that out there, that Bill Friedkin has agreed to direct your Exorcist miniseries, and not tell us a little bit more there, Blatty! Good grief!

As a sidenote, why is it when you're looking for something specific you can never ever find it, especially when it seems like something you really should have no trouble at all stumbling upon in normal circumstances? I've been scouring used book and thrift stores for the past couple of weeks for a copy of Blatty's book - since this post actually; I realized I've somehow never read it - and have come up completely empty handed. How is that even possible? The world must be littered with copies of that book somewhere, yet it eludes me. It seems a waste to buy it on Amazon and have it shipped to me when I ought to be able to find it easy, or so I thought. Harumph, I say! Harumph.

And I warned y'all at the start that I was gettin' wacky, so you can cram that side-eye you're giving me right now. Cram it!

1 comment:

Pax Romano said...

I don't think I would watch a mini series of the book, they did it right the first time, end of story.

I do believe that the novel is still out there - I have a copy and have read it several times. It's a fantastic read, and the subplot with Karl and his family is interesting, as well as the way we get very deep into Father Damien's psyche (the scene with him sitting on the banks of the Potomac river waiting to "see" God again is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the book)as well as some background on Detective Kinderman. Actually, the book reads more like a detective novel.