Friday, September 11, 2009

Tweet Your Scream!

Even though I joined Twitter, I still feel sorta dirty about it. I don't have any legitimate arguments I can make - for someone who think the world wants to read my rambling nonsensical blog-posts, looking down on a service like Twitter is oh, somewhat hypocritical. But I can't erase the feeling completely. Anyway, it's just the world we live in today and it seems as if all kinds of movie news is being broadcast by the service so it's best to just embrace the technology and not get devoured by my aged cynicism... even though I've made it this far without having a cell-phone and I feel fine... anyway! I have a point with this. I expressed a fear yesterday that the horror flick Paranormal Activity's very sudden release date of just 14 days from now - September 25th, whee! - might've been an over-shoot by somebody and that it might not stick. Me and my constant worries. Well it looks like it's really gonna stick! Via STYD:

"Yes, Paranormal Activity is coming. September 25, in fact. And Paramount Pictures is no longer being shy about their push for the indie supernatural thriller written and directed by Oren Peli. The studio has established a Twitter page where you'll find updates on the film's limited release. Visit and add them."

So there's that. Also via STYD I discovered this new-to-me picture from the movie of the film's stars, Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat:

Well hello there Micah Sloat. Pleased to meet you...


Wayne B said...

"Even though I joined Twitter, I still feel sorta dirty about it."

I know what you mean, felt the same way at first but now on my way to becoming a Tweet ho. I like having an outlet for all my dizzy little thoughts. Oh and I like reading your rambling nonsensical blog posts. :)

J.D. said...

Why are you still not following me, JA? :(

Jason Adams said...

I don't know, JD. Because I decided that the only time I would ever tweet (ugh that word) would be when I was drunk and so figuring things out like following people has been slow going. NAG. ;-)

And thanks, Wayne. I like making my rambling nonsensical blog posts.

J.D. said...

Nagging tends to yield results. *shrugs* ;)

Wayne B said...

oh shit I forgot to put rambling nonsensical in quotation marks. My bad.