Monday, September 07, 2009

Spam Attack!

Hey everybody, popping my head out of my tomb shell for a brief sec to give y'all a heads-up that I had to turn on Comment Moderation for a bit because some jackhole was clogging the site with gobblydegook. I'm not worrying about it today, that's for tomorrow. But just so you know. The more you know! The less you remember.

And I hope everyone's having a lovely. Catch ya on the flipside!


Glenn Dunks said...

Is it all in asian characters? I've got that too and it's all on the same entry! And an entry from about 3mths ago too.

Jason Adams said...

Yup, that's what I was getting too. Nuisance! It dropped on like 30 comments in ten minutes yesterday.

Joe Reid said...

That happened to me a few weeks ago. I ended up turning on comment moderation for comments that were past a certain number of days old, since the spam was only going to older posts anyway. That's worked out pretty well.