Friday, September 18, 2009

Oh My God!


I am going to see Juliette Binoche in person! My beloved Juli! I will throw myself to my knees and gouge out my eyes once it is over, they will have no use for me after that. Swoon! Also, how wonderful is it gonna be to see Blue on a big screen? Double swoon! So excited.


Anonymous said...

Saw her dance piece at BAM last night. She was gorgeous and did an unexpected Q&A afterward. She is very articulate and passionate about her art.

Ross said...

Love that movie!! I've been thinking about re-watching the trilogy ever since I finally made it through the Decalogue.

J.D. said...

Everything about this post makes me want to kidnap you and steal your life. And then punch you in the face for good measure. :(

Amanda said...

ahh i missed her at BAM. tho i did see English patient and on the big-screen - my heart swooned for Ralph, Kristen and Julie (and KIP!!!)