Monday, August 03, 2009

I Wonder Why The Wonderfalls On Me

Well this sorta snuck up on me this morning outta nowhere, but because it's stuck in my head right now here for our listening pleasure this morning is a video for the theme song to Bryan Fuller's Wonderfalls by Andy Partridge (I wanted to post the show's opening credits which have a shortened version of the tune but those seem to have been snatched off of YouTube due to copyright malarkey). Anyway it's been a couple of months since I've sat down and watched any Wonderfalls so I assume this sudden theme-song possession is my subconscious yelping at me to fix that and watch some soon. Will do, subconscious! Will do.




S said...

I had to start rewatching the series after reading this post/hearing that song - I hate you (read: thank you).

Dale said...

I just finished watching that show a couple of days ago. And then recommended it to my librarian/friend. He might get it for his wife for her birthday.