Tuesday, June 02, 2009



That's the amazing cast of Spring Breakdown, which I posted on earlier. And I was just looking at the film's IMDb page, and noticed that also listed among the stellar cast is Leslie "Mary Cherry" Grossman in the esteemed role of "Hooker" !!! Oh joy. This movie can't get here quickly enough. (via)


Scott said...

Well, sadly, don't expect to see much of Leslie Grossman - but it's always good to see her, even if briefly.

I really don't get why this didn't get into theaters while every Ferrell or Apatow thing does - this is funnier than some of those. And the cast is amazing. There are a host of immensely talented people, in even the tiniest roles. And once again Missi Pyle and Jane Lynch don't disappoint, to put it far too mildly.

As to the latter, it's kind of odd that her character so clearly mirrors the real-life senior senator from Texas.

Prospero said...

Jane Lynch! Jane Lynch! Jane Lynch!

ShoNuff Lives said...

don't forget missi pyle

this movie is all sorts of bad, but hella fun