Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Crazy Talk

I have something... unfortunate to admit. See, y'all know I'd been avoiding the Transformers 2 hype. I've been clear and remain clear on that point - it would take the promise of a scene of Josh Duhamel getting gang-banged by a pack of Decepticons to get me into the theater and only that, nothing less. So of course I hadn't been paying any attention to all this "Meghan Fox vomits a bunch of retarded sound-bites for the press" hooplah... why would I? I am not the market for which Megan Fox is hawking her hooplah. All of her hooplahs can stay inside her dress and out of my sight, thank you very much.

But then... well, a couple of things happened. Firstly, Nat confessed to a sick obsession with reading her every blurb and being unable to stop himself even though she made him want to set fire to the entire world. And secondly, my Entertainment Weekly subscription kicked back in - I'd had it for years but had canceled it recently since it'd sucked for awhile now but then they offered me a stoopid deal so I said whatever, okay, it's practically free now - anyway, this week who else but Miss Fox is the cover-gal.

So I read the article. The one everyone's saying she's terrifically annoying because of (well, one of the many ones she's annoying because of). And... ugh... must fight off the vomit... the lady kinda sorta won me over. Seriously. It's shameful, I know, but I bought it all. She seemed honest (perhaps I'm a sucker, it's been said and proven on many occasions before this one) about her lack-of-talent displayed so far and the crappy-ass movies she's made while at the same time admitting that she'd be nowhere without them and has yet to prove anything and she's only in the position she's in because people like me are not entirely convinced she's not CG-animated so perfectly spilled from the Maxim imagination is she.

I don't know. Perhaps it's my silly sometimes instinct to occasionally recklessly stupidly fight the current even when the current is just - especially when it is just - my own better instincts. But I think I like her. Sorta. It ain't love. I certainly agree with her that she hasn't proven her ability to act at all and I'm not sure when given the chance she'll be able to. Which is why I still remain worried about Diablo Cody's Juno follow-up, the horror-flick Jennifer's Body, even though I still love Juno - fuck that backlash, y'all - but now... well now I'm a little less worried. I think that now there is a glimmer of hope that I might like her in something, given it's the right something and not Michael Bay's seventeenth attempt to rape my brain-stem.

So yeah. It's all Nat's fault. The end.

But wait! I had more to say! And I almost forgot! (I'm a word-machine today, huh?) What spurred this entire outer-monologue on was this, yet another in a long series of annoying and stupid articles written for EW.com. It's about Megan admitting that she's got a crush on Korean pop-superstar Rain and ohmygod isn't that just so weird of her? Who'd ever have a crush on this guy?

Yeah... sign me the fuck up. What the hell, EW? Why wouldn't she have a crush on Rain is the better question. And the lack of knowledge about just how huge a star he is from a supposed pop-culture source - he's bigger than fucking Justin Timberlake - is ridiculous.

But anyway, that's just adding to me liking Megan a lil' more, too. She crushes on Rain too! We should go to the mall and be Mean Girls to everybody! Hahahaha! Sigh.


Joe Reid said...

I kind of agree with you that I appreciate her candor and her willingness to say any old dumbfuck thing, but when I actually concentrate on the things she's saying and not the fact that she's saying them ... she's kind of a douchebag. But at least not a boring one!

I also appreciate how this post set like a land speed record for contrarianism. Megan Fox! Diablo Cody! Rain! Justin Timberlake!

Jason Adams said...

Well my continued Bale-love already proved that I seem to have a higher tolerance (nee downright appreciation) for douche-bags than you do, Joe. Sometimes - sometimes! I won't be defending Russell Crowe today or any day - I just like people being assholes in the press. It's honest. And maybe she's just conforming herself to a stereotype that amuses me - the Mean Girl that none of the girls liked and all the guys wanted to ejaculate on - but it's a stereotype that amuses me and she's doing it with flair, dammit.

FranklinBluth said...

'Michael Bay's seventeenth attempt to rape my brain-stem'

Ha! Love it.

She was in 'How to lose friends and alienate people', and I thought she was fine in that. Although, I was kind of distracted by Simon Pegg.