Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Who Wore It Best?

A creepy flesh-colored fake face?

Louise (Alida Valli) in Eyes Without a Face, or
César (Eduardo Noriega) in Open Your Eyes?



This one's slightly more obscure than usual; I know not everybody's seen these films - but you oughta! - so feel free to vote based off of the pictures alone...

... or just by the fact that Eduardo Noriega is a hot piece...

(although Alida Valli was pretty darn fine herself) ... or whatever. And I'm doing you a favor, Tom Cruise, by not entering your lameness into this competition! Don't you forget to return this favor when the alien-overlords come!



Alejandra said...

I think you should google "Plata quemada" (Burnt money - Vies brûlées).
It has the best pictures of Noriega, and I´ve never seen you posting them.
I might be wrong.

Jason Adams said...

You're right, Alejandra, I've never given Mr. Noriega his gratuitous due. I'll get on that soon...

Pax Romano said...

Check out George Romero's "Bruiser"; not a great film, but the flesh colored fake face that the protagonist wears is haunting.