Monday, May 11, 2009

Run Channing Run

I guess Channing must have the same agent as Chris Pine - "Got a movie coming out? Take off your top!" Worked for Chris, what with Star Trek making seventy-whatever million dollars this weekend, and Channing's got his GI Joe movie coming out in August.. some gratuitous toplessness certainly can't hurt. (One piece of advice to Channing though - lose that goatee. It ain't working.) Meanwhile, somebody send this agent-person flowers. And get them a meeting with Chris Evans already! (via)


Laurence said...

Dear lord that man is hot as. You made my afternoon. Agree about the goatee though it just looks weird.

Joe Reid said...

I don't mind the goat (i.e. I don't recall even looking at the goat). I'm just crossing my fingers no one on Team Tatum makes him crunch away that slight softness around his midsection. (Gosh, this all sounds creepy to type, but if I can't get wordy about ogling boys here, where can I?) I like a Cam Gigandet as much as the next guy, but a six-pack on Channing would just make me sad.

J.D. said...
