Monday, May 11, 2009

I Am Link

--- The Crowning - If you head over to DH you can watch the first footage from Jake's Prince of Persia movie, which is out next Summer. It involves lots of Jake fighting without a shirt on and his hair gently blowing in the wind... pretty much what we expected. But there's one shot of his abs glistening (seen there to the left; unfortunately the quality of the video is crappy so the screen-cap is as well) that nearly made me faint, I swear to you. I feel dizzy. Dear lord.

---Ectopic - I love this piece written up yesterday by Cinematical's resident horror-buff Scott Weinberg's mother about how she was scarred for life when she saw Rosemary's Baby while she was pregnant. If only because I've made the (cruel, unusual) effort in my own life to make pregnant women watch this movie myself.

--- Mo' Basterds - I gotta agree with the sentiment at Slash/Film towards Quentin Tarantino's revelation in this NYT interview that showed up this weekend where QT says he has an idea for a prequel to Inglourious Basterds ready to go if Basterds proves lucrative - he's said this sort of thing so many times before that the wolf has left the building. I do not believe.

--- Trek Keys - I'll have more to say on Star Trek later today (I think), but I liked this article at CHUD on how the film works despite loads of logistical nonsense. The answer? Magic!

--- The Terror Continues - The fifth entry in Final Girl Stacie Ponder's "I made a horror movie!" series went up on Friday, so check that here; it contains a few enticing screencaps and the promise of a teaser trailer coming soon as in today, hooray!

--- Doll Fever - Joe finally caught back up with Dollhouse and wrote up his thoughts over at Low Resolution. I agree with all he has to say pretty much on point - I'm glad a consensus of awesome seems to have attached itself to Enver, specifically - although I gotta admit that I sorta started to not totally hate Topher by the end of the season (the whole "renting a friend for his birthday" bit got to me).

--- And finally, speaking of Dollhouse, there are a couple of articles at io9 worth checking out (spoilers if you haven't finished the episodes yet): there's a recap of Friday's finale here, and an interesting post-finale query here.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I teach Victorian literature, and one of the things I point out is that you can't read a nineteenth century novel using twenty-first century rules.

Having said that, I can't watch Rosemary's Baby without being irritated with Rosemary. She's too passive. And that's probably the point; however, I want her to kick John Cassavetes in the nuts and raise her demon baby in some other New York apartment. One with thicker walls, say.

Mostly what I feel, when watching the movie, is frustration. Sometimes for Rosemary, because of how orchestrated the plot is. Sometimes with Rosemary for not being more of an active agent in her own life. Maybe if I were a pregnant lady (rather than just being a man who eats like one) this movie might have more resonance for me.

The last thing is, I have a tough time taking movies about the Devil seriously (except, maybe, The Prophecy, and that's mostly because of the wonderful line reading Viggo Mortensen gives to "Little Tommy Daggett. How I loved listening to your sweet prayers. Then you would hop into bed, afraid that I was hiding under it. And I was!").