Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Leto Four Times



Sean T. Collins said...

Looks like he's auditioning for the Lifetime Original production of "Tell Your Children Not to Hold My Hand: The Glenn Danzig Story."

J.D. said...

I don't know whether to laugh, awkwardly drool or say he looks like a girl.

So I'll just do all three?

Pax Romano said...'s obsession...with...long haired types...

DuchessKitty said...

Are these fairly new photos? I went to highschool with Jared and I can't get over how much he looks like he did in 1988 in these pics.

Except that if he wore leather elbow-length whoozits and strutted around shirtless back then he would have been ridiculed and laughed off campus.

Jason Adams said...

I think they're fairly recent; within the past couple of years, I believe.

DuchessKitty, I have so many questions regarding what he was like in school I don't even know where to start....

Anonymous said...

What J.D. said. Scary... thought exactly the same three things when eyeing those pictures...

DuchessKitty said...

In highschool Jared and his brother who was a year ahead of us were both in the stoner-druggie crowd. His circle of friends and my circle of friends (arty punk-rockers) co-mingled a lot but he typically kept to himself and was pretty quiet.
He was always interested in music but a lot of us were so it didn't seem special. His acting totally took me by surprise, especially since the last time I saw him was a few months before "My So Called Life" hit and he was working as a doorman for a fancy nightclub in D.C.