Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Am Link

--- What's Cool Got To Do With It - EW has the four word reaction from Mr. Joss Whedon to yesterday's Buffy reboot news:

"I hope it's cool."

Ack! EW mentions he was busy on the set of Cabin in the Woods (ohmygoditsshooting somebodygetmeonthatsetnow) so Joss only had a couple seconds to spare, hence the brevity. But still. "Cool" is awfully magnanimous of you, Whedon.

--- Paul Aboard - The cast is filling in for alien-comedy Paul, written by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost aka Spaced stars aka Shaun of the Dead stars aka Hot Fuzz stars aka cooler than you and me multiplied by a thousand dudes, and now you can multiply the cast's coolness by eleventy billion: Kristen Wiig, Seth Rogen, Jason Bateman, Jane fuckin' Lynch, and Bill "Hot For" Hader have jumped on ship. It's directed by Adventureland and Superbad director Greg Mottola, and it will rule us all.

--- Robot Fight - Really enjoyed this piece at io9 comparing the two "lesser" Terminator films, parts 3 and 4, although I'd be much much harder on part 4. I remember mostly enjoying Part 3 (I haven't seen it since the theater though) and I think there's gonna be a general swing-back towards it now that we've seen what a real turd the franchise can birth.

--- The Ludlow Chronicles - Final Girl Stacie Ponder posted the sixth part in her series on her making a horror movie over the weekend and again I tell you to check it out if you have any interest at all in rad, awesome things that are hysterically funny.

--- Planet Implosions - Also got a kick out of this piece at SciFiWire (via Sean) talking about what it would actually take, science-wise to destory an entire planet like what happens in JJ Abrams' Star Trek or in the Star Wars films.

--- Read The Void - Twitch has a very positive review of Gaspar Noe's Enter the Void up, calling it "the wildest, headiest trip in Cannes". Sounds lickable! I don't know why lickable is the word I just used; ignore that.

--- Sense Tingles - Via DH comes a couple of tidbits on the fourth Spider-Man film - Sam Raimi's hinted that the vamp-dude Morbius might be the villain, and he's still not clear if there's a place for Kirsten Dunst at the table; he'll know once he finishes the script. Hrm.

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