Friday, May 15, 2009

I Am Link

--- The Year Oh-One - Have y'all been following the "Counting Down The Zeroes" project over at Film For The Soul? In an effort to name the Great Films of this decade they've been going through year by year and reviewing all the candidates. Anyway, it's been unequivocally good stuff and you should be keeping up with it if you haven't been. But right now I'm pointing you over to this review of Steven Spielberg's A.I. just because I've always been a staunch - S T A U N C H - supporter of that film and it's a terrific piece highlighting some of the reasons why I too maintain its bruised greatness.

--- Mother Lover - Nat's piece on James Cameron's first Terminator film is good reading, with a little vintage naked Michael Biehn to sweeten the pot ever so nicely.

--- Boogie Boy - Joe's review of Channing Tatum's most recent ode-to-him-without-his-shirt-on Fighting is funny stuff with just the right amount of "Oh my god what the hell is wrong with Terrence Howard?" thrown in for good measure. I guess I'm waiting for DVD for this one... my other guilty-pleasure-must-but-haven't-yet, Crank 2... well I need to see if it's even in theaters. Ugh. So lame, I am.

--- And finally, I guess Park Chan-wook's Thirst screened at Cannes for critics so there are probably reviews around besides this one at FirstShowing that's decidedly mixed but this is the only one I've seen so far and I tend to post everything I see on this film so yeah, here.

1 comment:

Prospero said...

I've always been an "A.I." supporter. People who don't like "A.I." don't get it, and that's a shame. It's a brilliant film from a director at the peak of his powers. When I was the film critic for, it was my choice for Best Movie of the Year. The acting is just amazing and Spielberg's heartbreaking take on the Pinocchio story is just beautiful on screen.