Wednesday, April 08, 2009

RIP Jack Wrangler


I saw this news yesterday afternoon and wasn't going to post on it, but Aaron's single-image tribute (NSFW) to the man's, er, legacy, inspired me to at least give the dude a shout-out. What the hell. I was familiar with his oeuvre from way back of course - his work fell into one of my main fields of studies, after all - but I just watched the documentary on him, Anatomy of an Icon, a few months ago and that's where I first learned about his interesting post-porn life. He seemed like a good enough fella. He certainly was enthusiastic! Anyway, rest in peace in that big gay orgy in the sky, stud.



Sean T. Collins said...

I'm catching a young James Caan vibe off this dude.

Jason Adams said...

That's probably not all you could catch from him. Ba dum bum ching! Nah, dude made it to 62, he had to be doing something right. He was one of the greats!

StinkyLulu said...

"He certainly was enthusiastic!"


Pax Romano said...

Jack was the greatest of them all ... sigh, how I lusted after him in my younger days. RIP, Mr. Stillman.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous man. It's just amazing he didn't get HIV/AIDS.

Thom said...

heaven is just a whisper away...

Thom said...

It's amazing how the good "LORD" will wipe away all
our sins like they never happened, If we ask him to.
The lord says no man cometh to me but through the Father. Would someone please pass this onto
Ms. Oprah Winfree? She seems to believe that you can get to the Father by other than Jesus?