Friday, April 03, 2009

Jimmy Howl

Firstly, here's a couple of new pics of James Franco looking period-perfect on the set of Howl, wherein he plays the poet Allen Ginsberg opposite a fleet of other hot dudes (Paul Rudd, Jon Hamm, Alessandro Nivola), via:

Secondly, Jimmy-boy is apparently some kind of a DVD connoisseur and picked his fave Criterion editions at their website. Amongst his choices were films by Altman, Antonioni, and Cassavetes. I do wonder if he might be trying a little too hard. But even if he is, that might be adorable too. James Franco is a real person, right? He's not some phantom or robot created to push all my buttons, like in that movie S1m0ne, is he? Cuz seriously.


richardwatts said...

I gotta say, he's looking pretty much spot on as the younger Ginsberg circa the time 'Howl' was written. As a fan of the Beats, I'm definitely looking forward to the fact I'll soon have two new Beat Generation films to enjoy - not to mention drooling over, I mean admiring James Franco some more...

dashdog said...

Hey, JA, after linking to Franco's fave Criterion discs, he listed one of my favorite Criterions -- and one of the films that had an affect on me. Rent "Spirit Of The Beehive" if you haven't seen it already. Judging from the films you really like, this should bring you a lot of filmic pleasure and I think you'll like it a lot...Nick

Karen said...

James Franco looks too cool in those glasses.