Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I Never Forget An Oola


In the span of just six years Jane Adams was in three of the most important films of my life. In 1998 she was the downtrodden Joy in Todd Solondz's Happiness; in 2000 she was the waitress with small shoulders like Marilyn Monroe who never forgets a Double Dickle on the rocks and improbably named Oola in Wonder Boys, and in 2004 she was one-half of Joel's married couple friends (along with David Cross) in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Happiness Wonder and Sunshine, hooray!

So all that don't clue ya in, that works out to: I love Jane Adams. Like, I'd melt in her presence. So a very very happy birthday going out to her today.



Joe Reid said...

I'd actually love to hear your thoughts on her Little Children performance. To me, it was so very much a case of a character written to be a Jane Adams character from any of her other movies (but especially Happiness) that I was distracted and a bit annoyed by it. Though she played it well.

Jason Adams said...

Ya know, I saw Little Children on her IMDb page and I cannot for the life of me even remember who she was in it. Was she one of the women at the playground? Seriously, no idea at all. A lot of that movie, save Patrick Wilson's thrusting, has faded from my memory though so I don't blame her.

Joe Reid said...

She was the woman who went on the date with Jackie Earle Haley, then had to sit there while he jerked off in the front seat and threatened to kill her. Then she cried and went home. In other words: the Jane Adams Role.

Jason Adams said...

OH MY GOD! I can't believe I forgot that scene. And yeah, I agree with what you said, in that it was The Jane Adams Character but she was good doing it. I mean, of course she was, she's Jane Adams. But I thought - and obviously my memory is fuzzy but now that you've reminded me it has mostly come back - she found new notes to hit in the part that fleshed out her usual thing.

Agnes B said...

Sometimes, I like to recast favorite TV shows of mine. Jane Adams would be my Agnes DiPesto for my Moonlighting remake.

Michael Seth said...

speaking of which, this movie with her opens in new york on friday.

Jason Adams said...

I can so immediately see that, AB.

Michael, thanks for the heads-up! It's got Josh Pais in it too! Love him. I am so there.