Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ten Days

Hey everybody! It's only 10 days until Monsters Vs. Aliens comes out! Aren't you blitzkrieged with excitement? What's that? No you are most certainly not? I know, me neither. But what about now?

"-Where The Wild Things Are trailer is debuting in 2 weeks in front of Monsters vs. Aliens

-Not a teaser, full 3-min trailer, scored to 'Wake Up' by Arcade Fire (it fits beautifully, and is either the 3rd or 4th time the band has agreed to license their music, won't be in the actual film obviously)

-Try as I might, I can't verbalize how I felt about the trailer beyond the most grandiose superlatives: 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' and 'breathtaking', making me sound like Pete Hammond. The environments in particular (there's a sequence of cutting between 4 shots of Max running through different environments that is absolutely magical) are a work of incredible vision, especially in light of the production methods Spike opted for. It does feel like a 'kids movie' (not pejorative): the trailer repeatedly made me about eight years old, over and over again. Unless I'm an idiot, and you'll see yourself in a week or two, the finalized monsters are some kind of incredible technical achievement.

-Much of the VFX work went to detailed facial animations on the monster's eyes and faces to give them a functional expressive palette. That remains the only post work left before release. They look nothing short of real and feel very alive and very, very huggable"

(via CHUD) I imagine the trailer will be online somewhere there abouts so I can maybe refrain from seeing MvA (it really hasn't sold me) and just see the trailer online. But still... AWESOME. I've been Jonze-ing (get it???) for some footage from this movie forever...

1 comment:

Mike z said...

Pissing self.