Monday, March 09, 2009

Looking At The Right One

What's this I'm holding in my hot little hands? I'm holding Let the Right One In on DVD in my hot little hands, I am. O glorious day! I'll definitely be keeping up with my dire track record of late of not seeing any new movies this evening when I plunk down and watch this bloodsucker for a second time.

But as long it's here in my hot little hands (I've really been overusing that phrase lately... which makes me wonder what my hands have been handling so often that I've needed that phrase more than once lately... hmm...) I might as well make use. The movie's a visual feast, so I'm gonna take a sampling of random screen-grabs, to the delight of all of our eyeballs.

I actually finished the book just last night, so I've definitely got Oskar's little world on the brain right now. As for comparing the book to the film, I think John Ajvide Lindqvist made all the right choices in adapting his own story - while I'm glad I read the book, and I do think it's a fine horror story on its own, I think he magnified all of its merits while turning it into a screenplay. And kudos to director Tomas Alfredson and his DP Hoyte Van Hoytema for making it so rich visually, of course. There are bits of the book that wow that didn't make it into the film - there's an especially horrific continuation of Eli's original caretaker Håkan's story, and the story thread about the local drunks, specifically the relationship between poor Virginia and Lacke, really benefited from an expansion in the book (i.e. I cried, lots and bunches).

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