Friday, February 06, 2009

Good Morning, World



J.D. said...

Like, that's the only thing I haven't forgotten about that movie.

Jason Adams said...

Same here, JD.

Anonymous said...

Yummy. Loved how those gray shorts clung to his thighs, er rear.

I’m SO looking forward to a Jake double-dipper this year. "Persia" looks... poor (to put it mildly) but I'll be their opening night to support our Jakester. Negative reviews may be inevitable but I'm really crossing my fingers it racks in some real cash.

And then of course there's BROTHERS, one of my most anticipated films of 2009.

All hail The Gyllenhaal!

Joe Reid said...

Yeah, but if Persia's a hit, then he'll have to make another.

Jason Adams said...

Prince of Persia is coming out Summer 2010. But Nailed is this year supposedly, so the sentiment of two Jake films in 09 stands.

Anonymous said...

What will you do guys if Reese is pregnant? Looks like she is.

The woman has ruined the fun for me.
