Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Am Link

--- Crazy For Feelin' - The leads in the remake of George Romero's The Crazies have been revealed, and I like this duo very much - Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell. Both terribly underrated actors in my opinion, and The Crazies has a lot of possibility as remake fodder, so I'm officially on-board with this one.

--- A Very Important Announcement - According to io9 this week's new episode of Battlestar Galactica will run over its allotted hour-long episode length by 3.5 minutes. So set your Tivos and DVRs accordingly. Or, ya know, actually be there and watch it in real time like old timey folks used to do

--- How is possible that there is a movie that exists that has Piper Laurie a psychotic 1930s gangster moll and I've never heard of it until now? This is why I love Billy Loves Stu. It's educational and informative in the important ways.

--- Herr Zombie - I haven't been able to figure out why everyone's been crowing left and right about the Norwegian "Zombie Nazis!" movie called Dead Snow - it's not the first movie to ever have Nazi Zombies, y'all - but I do gotta admit that the poster is pretty sweet (via).

--- And finally, it seems as if we can stop poking the eyes out on our FOX Executive Voodoo Dolls - a settlement is probably gonna be reached soon on Watchmen and the release date should stay in place. Phew! Cancel my order of snips and snails and puppy-dog's tails!

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