Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Conquering Colonia

Last night's Neko Case music news wasn't the only bright and shining beacon of hope musically speaking that revealed itself as I left my office - word also came to me about the second album by the band A Camp, otherwise known as the group the front-woman for The Cardigans, my lady lover, Nina Persson does when she's not doing The Cardigans. It's called Colonia and it's being released on February 2nd in Europe and here's the cover:


The first single called "Stronger Than Jesus" will come out on this upcoming Monday supposedly too (dunno if that's just in Europe or what, but the internet is our friend here ya know). This news might've revealed itself earlier than last evening but last night was when I stumbled upon it. You might say to yourself, hey, don't you consider yourself a crazy fan of them, why do you have to randomly stumble upon news of their latest release? Well first off, you're rude, asking questions like that. And secondly, I suck.

But the album... well let's just say a little internet birdy tells me it sounds wonderful. A little internet birdy in those striped jail pajamas, that's how I picture this birdy. Anyway, rock on. Now I just need to stumble upon their tour schedule. Come to me, Nina! Make love to me with your sweet and sultry voice.

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