Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sweet Sweet Middle Cyclone News


That's the kick-ass cover art for Neko Case's next album, Middle Cyclone, via Stereogum. And I'll be goddamned if every tiny morsel of news I can find on this don't make me feel like a squishy ball of gleee (the extra "e" is for extra excite-itude). I cannot cannot cannot wait for this to come out.

Urgh but it's not out until 3/3/09! You are killin' me, Neko. Stereogum also posted the track-listing, so check that out there. 15 songs total! Glorious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm only a moderate Neko Case fan, but that has to be one of the greatest album covers I have seen in over a decade. Consider me sold!