Thursday, October 02, 2008

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scroggins said...

Wait. I thought the virgins were the ones who survived the horror movies?

Jason Adams said...

No, virgins are the virgins from their horror movies. That's it. It doesn't matter if they lived or died in the movies they were in; I'm just giving some love to all the characters, good bad dead alive, that weren't getting any of the nookie.

Eww I said nookie.

(True Fact: I was originally gonna make it just the virgins who were murdered in their respective movies, but I needed to widen my scope to reach 31.)

Ross said...

Are your 31 already planned out? I'm surprised there are that many virgins out there!

Jason Adams said...

Actually, I'm only halfway done... Eep! You're right, ross - there are way more whores than virgins in horror movies.

I am taking recommendations, by the way. ;-)

scroggins said...

And by "giving some love" you mean hurling them into a volcano? If you threw me in there, I'd use my Mandalorian armor to ward off the acidic belly juices down there, and eventually free myself by using a rocket pack to blow myself up and out of there.

Ross said...

Just don't forget Kelly in the original Prom Night. I believe she was the only virgin and also the first to go.