Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Soup Overdosin'

Speaking of television moments that stopped me dead in my tracks, I was watching this past weekend's episode of The Soup last night and creeped the boyfriend out by going standstill jaw-agape at Joel McHale's short-shorted bare-midriffed riff on that Hills chick's music video. Seen here!



And because there's a frustrating lack of stills having made their way online, I shall come to the rescue! Here are a couple I took... my obsession with Joel McHale is threatening to swallow me whole, I swear...



FDot said...

I trust you already have your ticket for his NYC Performance in November for the comedy festival?

J.D. said...

You and me both, Ja. I was STUNNED.

Marius said...

No!!!! j.d. stole my line. Who cares. I'll just repeat it again with gusto: "You and me both, Ja. You and me both."