Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Neko's Cyclone

I'm not sure where Stereogum got this info, since I'd been keeping my ear to the tracks for this for months and this is the first I've heard of it, but I suppose they have things like "reliable sources" that "know things"... whatever. Via Stereogum:

"Middle Cyclone, Neko Case's solo follow up to 2006's Fox Confessor Brings The Flood, is due on Anti- in March 2009."

Suh-weet, y'all. It's tempered by the fact that it's way off in March (I was hoping against hope for something by the end of the year), but still, any word of a new Neko Case album, finally, is good. And hopefully we'll be getting some touring and live tracks soon too!


Anonymous said...

please please PLEASE!!!!

let her include Australia in her tour. I bought Fox Confessor only a couple of months ago... but I am absolutely obsessed.

Anonymous said...

by the way, I think I bought a later release album as it included a second disk, did you guys get that in the US? 'i wish i was the moon tonight' is one of my favourite songs ever... EVER!

Trey said...

I just saw her in April! Though it was with the New Pornographers, so it was sort of different.

Jason Adams said...

franklinbluth - It's such an incredible album. They released it here as one-disc at first, but they've since released the 2-disc version. I've gotten all the 2nd disc stuff online. I listen to it all the time still, it's just nearting the point where I really need new material from her, so this is great news.

trey - I've seen her by herself a few times, and a couple of times with NP, and I always just get annoyed at the NP shows because she's not given enough spotlight. I just want her! Her all the time.