Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Moment I Fell For... Angelina Jolie


Here's somebody it took me awhile to warm up to. At least cinematically. I loved her real-life goth incest train-wreck routine at The Oscars in 2000, and while I did like her performance in Girl, Interrupted well enough I was mostly annoyed that Winona Ryder's great work in that movie was being overshadowed. (Come back Noni!)

And while Angie was perfect casting for the Tomb Raider series, the only interesting thing about those flicks was A) her punching a shark in the nose, and B) the casting and subsequent exploitation of the male love interests. Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler? Yes please.

So it wasn't until Sky Captain that I finally fell for her. Indeed, she was my favorite part in that strangely stiff movie - the only moment when all that beautiful scenery felt like there was something living inside of the frame. (Sorry Jude & Gwynnie, but... no.) Too bad Angie was hardly around to be enjoyed. She further cemented my love for her in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (I really enjoy that movie, damn all you haters!) and then this past Summer in Wanted (Second that hater-damning!). So now my cinematic like for her has caught up with my real-world like. And all is right in the world. Holla.


Joe Reid said...

It's so funny I've gone this long without finding out where you stand on the Angie issue. I'm well pleased. (And if you're looking for a movie where she shines among the truly, truly crappy, might I interest you in something called Hackers? Bonus Jonny Lee Miller looking hot as hell too.)

Jason Adams said...

I love that there's an "Angie issue." Heh.

I swear I saw Hackers back in the day, but I don't remember anything about it. Jonny Lee Miller, though... mmm.... Perhaps enough to inspire a spot on the Queue, I'd say.

J.D. said...

I really don't understand why Angie got all the praise for Interrupted. Were people already tired of Noni by 1999? Because that makes me sad. :(

Glenn said...

I loved Sky Captain AND Mr & Mrs Smith.

Also, someone suggested to do Hackers for "Black+White Friday". Why is that movie popping up a lot lately?