Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Am Link

--- I'm Only Happy When It Rains... Urine - I stopped watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles like midway through the first episode. I love Summer Glau of course (River!) and Lena Headey is kick-ass enough, but that whiny little bitch playing John Connor is too much to handle. Anyway, Defamer directs me to a clip from the most recent episode that has me rethinking my aversion to the program - Shirley Manson, lead singer of Garbage, morphs into a killer cyborg from the form of a urinal. Yes. A urinal. It's thirty seconds of glee, I swear, go watch it. Best thing I've seen this week.

--- Whither Alice - BD has a brief update on what's happening with that adaptation of American McGee's Alice - the dark adult version of Alice in Wonderland that SMG was hinted to be being considered for - basically, nothing is up, they're working on the script, and... nothing. And with Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland being actively created as we speak... who knows.

--- Anderson Anew - Wes Anderson is working on a script for a remake of the 2006 Patrice Leconte-directed French comedy Mon meilleur ami, aka My Best Friend, which starred Daniel Auteuil. Anderson will probably direct it. Does this mean that, this being a remake of someone else's work, he might step out of that self-imposed cutesy bubble he's been in for a decade and make something, dare I dream, a little different? I mean, I've liked to varying degrees all of his films (Rushmore and Tenenbaums the best), but it'd be swell if he maybe switched things up just a tad. His quirk has gotten overbearing at times.

--- Speaking of Indelible Auteurs, Paul Verhoven is eyeing a return to the world of the "erotic thriller" (like he ever left) with a project about, and I quote, "a college intern who finds himself trapped in a dangerous affair with the boss’s wife. Project is described as Risky Business meets Fatal Attraction." Sounds - dare I say it? - sexy! I await every Verhoeven movie with unmitigated glee, so this sounds great. And porny. Great and porny. Which is exactly what I want from him. If there isn't a Nazi-hunted Jewess bleaching her pubic area, it ain't worth watching, I says!

--- Werewolf, Interrupted - Rick Baker's phenomenally designed werewolf prop/robot/costume thing for An American Werewolf In London was falling apart, so this guy refurbished it. Why can't I have that sitting in my living-room?

--- Can I Have My Two Hours Back If They Win? The folks who own the rights to the story that Rear Window came from - that being Cornell Woolrich's 1942 short story, "Murder From A Fixed Viewpoint" - finally got around to seeing Disturbia, that Labeouf-starring piece of crud from the other year, and are suing because it stole everything from Rear Window and turned it into shit. I concur. I say we string DJ Caruso up in the town square, too. Maybe let the crowd throw fruits and vegetables. A head of lettuce, perhaps. Sausages.


Anonymous said...

A Verhoven with sexy results? I'm there

Barry said...

Disturbia was not bad at all! I really don't think it should be sued.