Monday, September 08, 2008

Happy Birthday, Thomas Kretschmann


Recent obsession, Thomas Kretschmann, turns 46 today. 46! So many years I've been without him. Ain't right, y'all. It wasn't until Peter Jackson's King Kong that I really took notice of him. Could he have been any more attractive in that movie?

I stopped paying attention to the millions upon millions of dollars of special effects swirling around whenever he appeared on-screen and just stared at his Aryan loveliness. That's some star wattage there.

Fun fact! He's played a Nazi in eight different movies!

Anyway, the man is working like gangbusters right now, so there'll be no shortage of him. He's already been seen in both Wanted and Transsiberian this year, and he'll be seen next in Bryan Singer's Valkyrie (if it's really released like it's supposed to be, of course). As, you guessed it, a Nazi!

He's also co-starring in Dare To Love Me, the bio-pic of "The King of Tango" Carlos Gardel, which stars Raoul Bova! Raoul and Tommy, sharing the screen...

My eyeballs are already throbbing with anticipation. The flick also stars Lindsay Lohan? She's still being hired? Huh. Like Water For Chocolate's Alfonse Arau is directing. It's set to come out next year... if Lohan doesn't eff it up. I'll not be pleased, missy, if you come between me and that pairing!

Blah blah, a very happy birthday going out to the (Olympic-trained former swimmer... swoon) man today!


Ross said...

I read recently that Thomas currently lives in L.A. Thomas, if you're reading this, please give me a holler. I have a special birthday present for you, and it can't be mailed. ;o)

Adam said...

That's an impressive Nazi backlog, but is he ever the perfect Aryan. I first noticed him when he played the razor-sucking rapist in 'The Stendhal Syndrome.' I suppose it's sick to say in the context of that, but he is delicious.