Wednesday, September 10, 2008

2 Days!!!


I am officially moist in my down-there area over Burn After Reading, y'all. I cannot wait for this movie. Yesterday morning I was laying on the floor of my living-room post-jog and stretching and a new commercial for the movie came on TV and I actually busted into a fit of uncontrollable giggling over one of the faces Brad Pitt pulls. I lay there for minutes, unable to stop. If this thing is half as good as the trailer, it'll be a homerun. Anybody else squirming with outlandish expectations?



scroggins said...

Which face? The one where he puts his hand over his mouth, giggling?Or his reaction to being punched in the face? (Those are my two smile-inducers).

Jason Adams said...

It's weird, I can't for the life of me remember what it was specifically that set me off. And the trailer I watched online to get the images I used in this post is not the same trailer I saw yesterday and it doesn't have the bit that made me laugh. It's a mystery! It's all for the best - I'll be set off anew when it happens in the movie itself.

Heather said...

I'm taking some personal time tomorrow between 11 and 2 in order to see this. I'm sure my 2:30 appointment will wonder why I keep giggling.