Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Jake Gyllenhaal Wearing Plaid Pants


Of course Jake wore his MNPP-Plaids with pride before! Shame on me for forgetting. Pics via IHJM (much thanks to Xenia). And much love to Pax for this crafty photoshopped concoction in the meantime - love it.


FDot said...

This might incur your wrath, but could you explain the mystique behind J.G.? He just doesn't do anything for me. Is it because I remember him in City Slickers and Josh and S.A.M.? Or missed some seminal movie of his that would open my eyes? I just don't get the sheer amount of adoration that people lavish upon him.

J.D. said...

And plaid's never looked so good.

Well, has it?! I didn't think so.

Jason Adams said...

I can't answer your question, fdot. It's just a part of my being, like my elbow. If somebody else wants to give it a go, take the reins. He just is, like sunshine and spatulas and cream cheese icing.

Xenia said...

Never indeed! :)

You're welcome JA. That's what Gyllenhaalics do, they help each-other...;)

fdot: Or missed some seminal movie of his that would open my eyes?
You seem to have missed it all, man. But you can make up for time lost starting from Jarhead, it'll help to understand.

J.D. said...

And Donnie Darko. One of my all-time favorite performances in one of my all-time favorite movies. Before I saw it, I only thought he was hot. After...

FDot said...

Xenia: Perhaps I should watch Jarhead again. I saw it in the theaters, but was busy scanning the film for Lucas Black.

J.D.: I did not go for Donnie Darko when I first saw it, I think the Law of Hype got in the way. I'm catching up on my own DVD's so maybe it's time to see that one again too.

JA: I should bake you my Cheesecake Cookies sometime, the top layer is all cream cheese icing.

Zodiac said...

Ja, you should comment on his new horse pictures. They're hilarious.