Awhile back I posted a terrifying picture of Colin Farrell looking like a ghoulish bag of skin and bones - supposedly for a role - and I was, needless to say, critical of such a development. Such a beautiful man should not go messing with his genes in such a drastic manner, ya know? Well, seeing him with his shirt off now (via here)...
... am I nuts to think it's not as bad as I feared it was? I mean, he's not really any skinnier than any of the male models you see plastered all over magazines. And we can get into whether those male models look healthy or malaria-inflicted in the comments if you feel so obliged, but for now I really thought Colin would look less toned than he does. I was picturing ribs and concave things and a dancing skeleton horror show, but the above ain't so bad. I mean, it's for sure too scrawny; he should stay exactly like the following for all of eternity -
- but the gaunt look doesn't make me wail and moan and gnash my teeth and furrow my brow like I'd expected it too. It's no Christian Bale in The Machinist - shudder - that's for sure. Am I nuts?
ETA Here are a couple more shots via Defamer, where they're asking how homeless he looks...
You're nuts. I mean, speaking only of his skinniness, I suppose you may have a point, but if the man has looked greasier, skeevier, or more chock-full of VD in his entire time as a movie star (Miami Vice era excepted), I haven't seen it. Gross.
Well I was speaking only of his skinniness, so there. I was focusing on the positive, Negative Nancy.
A friend of mine got maleria when she was in Africa recently and my very first thought was "...but she already only weighs 55kilos!" I don't know what that is in lbs, but it's very skinny.
His scrawniness just seems to accentuate his cock bulge so I don't give a damn if he's not eating properly! I agree that he looks greasy and skeevy but that's part of his stinky charm.
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