Thursday, June 26, 2008

5 Off The Top Of My Head - Hand-Jobs For Jason Schwartzman

I kinda went back and forth on whether it made sense to do one of these posts for Mr. Schwartzman, since he's only turning 28 today - Happy B-day! - and highlighting five of his performances at this stage in his career is basically plopping his entire filmography down and saying "I love you all!" but well, I do love them all, basically, so there. He's been basically great in everything he's done and I love the sight of him and look forward to his every movie. So there. Basically.

Jeremy, Shopgirl
"Congratulations. You've officially gone on a date with Jeremy.
Don't forget to hold the handle when you lock the door."
Albert Markovski, I Heart Huckabees
"Nobody sits like this rock sits. You rock, rock.
The rock just sits and is.
You show us how to just sit here and that's what we need."
Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette
"Ooooh! Your feet are like icicles!"
Jack L. Whitman, The Darjeeling Limited
"Do you want to go in the bathroom
and smoke a cigarette with me?"
Max Fischer, Rushmore
"You think I got kicked out because of just the aquarium?
Nah, it was the handjob.
And you know what else? It was worth it."


Anonymous said...

You can't forget his performance in Spun. I especially love the part when he puts the duct tape over that girl's eyes and mouth, and leaves her tied up naked for days with a skipping cd LOL.

scroggins said...

Sorry Miru, despite my sick sense of humor and my fondness for "Gummo," I found that scene to be nauseating in expecting anybody to find such cruelty amusing.

J.D. said...

That first pic is so hilariously hot.