Perhaps, if I were the respectable sort (Hey! Stop laughing!) I might find myself embarrassed by this admission. But I know I'm hardly alone amongst people my age when I say that Real World'er Eric Nies was an integral part of my... teenage development... and I would like to wish him a very happy 37th birthday today. Viva la Grind!
I wonder what he's up to these days? I was always kinda hoping he'd hit rock bottom and have to do gay porn, but quick, before he loses his looks. That's my birthday wish for Eric. Happy birthday, Eric!!
Ok, you know what? The internet is a hell of a thing. a cursory google of "eric nies" turns up this TMZ video from March 08, showing Eric looking like a balding hippie (a very fit and very hot balding hippie) going grocery shopping barefoot.
Sam, I was gonna say that I'd sworn I'd seen a picture of him awhile back where he was all hippie'd out with a huge beard.
He's still fine.
Oh, the memories. Remember Becky, Norman, and the rest of the original Real World cast? God, I feel so old.
Anyway, I agree with ja. Eric is still fine!
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