Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We Have Our Annie Hayworth!


Okay, not really, but it was my first thought when reading the following quote and it'd be all sorts of awesome if it could happen.

My hero Tilda Swinton was asked what she'd want done with her body when she dies (I don't know why she was asked this; she just was) and here's how she replied (via the ever unreliable Contact Music):

"I’d like to be done up to the nines in a huge flowery chiffon dress, stretched out like a sail on a beach in the Hebrides, so I can be pecked to pieces by birds.”

This woman does not fuck around with my love for her. She keeps it true and pure and real. Marry me, Tilda Swinton!

But back to Tilda playing the Suzanne Pleshette role in the supposedly-probably-really- gonna-happen remake of The Birds (the one with Naomi Watts in Tippi Hedren's part) - Yes please! I can see it now: Naomi and Tilda sparring over Jake Gyllenhaal as Mitch! Shut your mouths, people saying Jake is too young. Mitch was a hot piece whose shirt got ripped up by the birds, so Jake's a natural fit, I say.

Right now, in case you hadn't guessed, this alternate Naomi-Jake-Tilda version of the movie is playing out in my head, and it's kicking all kinds of ass. Somebody get me Hollywood on the phone! I have ideas! Ideas worth being heard!

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