Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Amy Adams Is Indeed A Peach


"Maybe a nearby meadow or... a hollow tree!"

I'm only 20 minutes in, but...
is it just the three bourbons I've had so far,
or is Amy Adams in Enchanted the funniest thing ever?


FDot said...

I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed Enchanted. I thought it would be mediocre, but I ended up smiling at the end.

Three bourbons? Really? I don't even drink...I can't imagine what that would do to me. Maybe I should start.

Glenn Dunks said...

Wait until the third act. She stops being funny and the movie, well, stops being good.

My personal favourite was her musical call that the animals respond to.

El Gigante said...

I's not just the booze, she is the greatest.

Jason Adams said...

Glenn, you're right on - the movie really falls apart there at the end.

But AA was delightful. Really hilariously embodied all those Dinsey princesses come to life. Her hand movements were hysterical!

Jimmy M was a doll as well.

fdot, I am not going to encourage you to become a drunk like me. Stay clean and sober! I'm all Meg Ryan in When A Man Loves A Woman over here.

Glenn Dunks said...

Oh god, do you smash grog bottles in the trashbin? Cause that'd be hilariously cliche of you!