What a miserable bunch. But who else made it, ya think? Guesses please.
As always with this damned show, it gave us more questions than answers... so very many more questions... but I'm fully under the influence of the deranged thought that they really do know where they're taking us and to just hold on an enjoy the ride for now even as they fling us off a cliff. Whee!
Anyway, here are some screen-grabs from last night's episode, via Lost Media, that seem important from the episode... Harley's vision, I assume, is supposed to be Charlie, here, right?
And the return of Jacob's freaky-ass cabin...
Man, they wring every bit of spookiness from that place possible... so whose eye is that? Who was in the rocking chair? Questions, questions...
God, I love this show again.
Anyway, my money's on Sun, Jin & Claire being the other three members of the Oceanic Six.
I haven't even begun to contemplate who it could be yet. After we first heard that phrase last night - The Oceanic Six - and then the show cut to the island brimming with characters I found myself terribly depressed, realizing that only six of these people make it off and something really really horrible is coming. And that we know three of them already! I don't really know any spoilers but I do know a little bit about what this season's about in the vague sense and judging from that I think this six that makes it off aren't necesarrily the be-all-end-all for characters who'll live... but it's just depressing all the same. I'm afraid of what's to come. Afraid!
Here's a better screencap of Charlie... http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/391/needem5.jpg
I wonder if one of the Oceanic 6 is the mystery person in the coffin? My money's on Claire and Aaron as 4 and 5, but 6 is still a mystery.
I thought the eye at the window looked a bit like Nicholi (is that the crazy death-defying patch-wearing guys name?), and that looked like Jack's dad in the rocking chair...
As for the Six, does anyone think it's possible that more than that make it home but that all but six die soon thereafter? Probably not, but I was left worried that I'd jumped too quickly regarding the implications of Hurley's words..
God, I LOVE this show!
Oh, and Jack looked especially cute in that basketball scene...Hobbitses, as I like to call Charlie, looked cute, too...
I'm not 100% convinced that Kate is one of the Six, for some reason. Maybe she's still on the run/in hiding in the real world.
shaun, I think that eyeball looks like Nikolai too. That was my first thought. I read somebody somewhere say definitively that it was Mr. Shepard in the rocking chair, but I'll be goddamned if I can tell.
I saw someone somewhere posted a screengrab, and yeah, it's Jack's dad. Which makes no kind of sense to me, but whatevs. I'm along for the ride.
The actor who plays Jack's dad was credited as a guest star for the episode.
I would bet Claire is one of the six, because Desmond's original vision involved her getting on a helicopter. And I keep thinking Michael is one of the six, but I really don't have anything to base that on.
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