Monday, February 04, 2008

I Am Monday Morning's Link

--- Indy and some crates! Crates! Holy god in heaven!

--- From the man who brought you Jumanji - Joe Johnston has gotten the directing gig for The Wolf Man. Besides Jumanji - which, honestly, I've probably seen four or five times in my life; I somehow always get caught up in it - Johnston also directed the lackluster (except for the Pterodactyls and Alessandro Nivola in a tight, sweaty T-shirt) Jurassic Park III, and has been long-thought the guy who'd get Part IV, were it to happen... so all this news says to me is Part IV still looks to be a ways off. Sigh. I want dinos!

--- I feel no shame in admitting that the movie I'm most looking forward in the foreseeable future is Final Destination 4. Well, I guess they're actually calling it Final Destination 3D, which, well, there was already a Part 3, but for a series whose entire franchise's name is already predicated on a misnomer - like The Neverending Story Part II - I don't think keeping themselves bound to rules of real world logic is especially high on their list. Point: BD has a brief chat with the producer of the soon-to-be-filmed flick, and he reveals the opening mega-destructive killing spree that opens all of these films - and fills this blogger with glee each and every single time - well, this time around it's going to involve a high-speed race car crash, and the 3D technology will essentially makes us feel as if we're all being murdered by flying debris. Yay!

--- There's ---> the new poster for the Funny Games remake (via BD).

--- Remember that girl that tried to bed Michael Cera in Superbad in a really excrutiatingly awkward way? She was played by Martha MacIsaac, a girl I set aside some love for when I saw the movie because I thought she was terrific. Well, she's been cast in the remake of The Last House on the Left, and I'm having flashbacks to how disturbed I was when I learned my beloved Heather "Dawn Weiner" Mattarazzo was cast in Hostel: Part II. There are just some girls you don't want to see get raped and murdered, ya know? (address your hate mail to: ). Sorry, I kid! I kid! Wow that was horrible. Anyway, according to BD, the producers are promising that the movie will be even more brutal than the original, only she won't be raped or murdered. Because nothing says brutal like a good feather-tickling!

Okay, listen: I have no desire for this movie to be remade. I don't want to watch it again; I can't even bring myself to watch the original again. Hell, I don't think I could watch Bergman's The Virgin Spring again, and that's nowhere as sleazy as what this story got turned into by Wes Craven. LHotL just makes me feel as if I need to take a wire-brush to myself in the shower after watching it. There are reasons that this story exists and is told - when handled right it's a primal scream of parental fury - but it walks a very delicate line. Selling me on the brutality of it is not the way to go.

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