Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Look Into The Box


USA Today has got an article on and a gallery of new photographs from Richard Kelly's The Box, the Richard Matheson adaptation starring Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella and Jimmy "Swoon" Marsden, that comes out... some time in '08 (fingers crossed).

I'm digging Diaz's 70's stewardess look. Is this movie period? Had no idea. The article is long and chock full of info, but USA Today's website is a pain - here's the first page, and here's the second; that there are two pages isn't that clear when maneuvering their website.

And here are all of the images, including a couple of behind-the-scenes ones with adorable Richard Kelly...

ETA Just in case you don't feel like wading through the entire article, here are three quotes, one from each of the stars of the film, that I appreciated for varying reasons:

Frank Langella, on Richard Kelly: "Richard is in a league of his own... He has sort of an extraterrestrial creature running around in his head. That is what Steven Spielberg was like as a young boy."

Jimmy Marsden, on Kelly: "He was a frat boy at USC... He looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model."

Cameron Diaz: "I did love Donnie Darko way back when, as did many people... And, like many people, I was trying to figure out what it was trying to say. I think that Richard is just smarter than me."


J.D. said...

Okay, I realllly want that TV-microwave-toaster oven-whatever in the first pic.

Dame James said...

I love the mention James Marsden spent 4 days soaking wet for the film....I really want to see it now.