Some time last week I was looking up pictures of this Taylor Kitsch kid from Friday Night Lights - for... research purposes! Shut up! - and lo and behold today comes news that he's been cast as Gambit in that Wolverine movie. Just yesterday word leaked that Ryan Reynolds (!!!!) will be playing Deadpool... I think both of these roles - Gambit and Deadpool - may only end up being bite-size cameos, but still, look at what we've got here - Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, possibly Michael C. Hall as a young Stryker, and this Kitsch kid in one movie. This thing is shaping up to 300-level beefcake proportions. Anyway, here's some reasons to "celebrate" Taylor Kitsch...
Finally they cast SOMEONE as Gambit in SOMETHING.
MMmmmmm. Tim Riggins. My favorite part of Friday Night Lights (although it is a pretty good TV show -- second season is going down in quality, though. But the second-season slump happens all the time).
boy howdy!
Okay, I think that this gratuitous post may actually have some sort of magical powers. Suddenly, I was in my high school locker room and there was this god like football bad boy getting out of the shower in nothing but a towel, and...
Why the hell did I stop watching this show?
that is one disgusting body
i can't even bear to look at it.
Wait - is "disgusting" a good or a bad thing? Do you mean "sick" as in "too awesome" or just... disgusting? I can't keep up with what the kids are saying these days, Nat! If you do indeed mean gross, though, you crazy!
Yeah, it doesn't get any hotter than Taylor Kitsch. I mean seriously, who looks like this? His mouth alone is enough to give a girl (or boy) naughty thoughts.
It's true that your whole outlook on life revolves around what you put in your body. I was far less miserable when I was morbidly obese. I was sending myself to an early grave, but I wasn't unhappy.
And, Big Trouble in Little China deserves much higher than a C+. That's an awesome movie.
I think I was just in a really bad mood when I watched it, zooplah. I wasn't in the mood for its shenanigans. I'll watch it again some day and hopefully feel better about it.
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