Friday, January 04, 2008

Where My Head's At

Sorry for the lack of updates today but - for once - I have a valid excuse. Well, one valid excuse, and one that follows my usual "Can I get some cheese with that whine?" approach.

1 - this is the whiny one - I swear to Allah and all the Latter-Day Saints I broke my neck yesterday. Something about the way I walked to work in the horrendous cold - I think I had my back all tense and rigid - but I sat down at my desk and my head fell off onto the floor with a sickening thud and I haven't really been feeling put back together since. All the King's doctors and all the king's whores and whatnot. Pain! Agony! Defeat! A real Who's Who of lameness.

2 - this is the exciting, valid reason - I've actually really for realz been working on my Top 10 of 2008 list! Can I get a "Whoop whoop"? I've expressed in the past my disdain for list-making, but I'm feeling up to the challenge this year. I might even have it finished before the weekend's out! Can you frigging believe it? In related news, it's totally gonna be raining pigs and frogs outside.

So that's all. Have a delightful weekend, mon amis, and expect to hear from me with stuff - actual stuff! - very very soon! Cheers!

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