Friday, January 04, 2008

I Am Super-Link!

--- Shut Yo Routh - A sequel to Superman Returns seems to have crumbled in the past 24 hours; not only have Bryan Singer and the studio seemed to have basically turned their backs on the idea, but Superman himself, Brandon Routh, is on the outs (via Cinematical). I surely wasn't all that impressed by Routh in the role, but I did like looking at pictures of him, so that much will be missed. Unless, I dunno, he can surprise us all and turn his franchise-killing rep on its head and come out with some spin on his blandness-personified persona. There's always gay porn! But I might as well take this opportunity since it may never present itself again...

--- I Am Sequel - I really have no idea how they could milk a sequel from I Am Legend, but somebody's got it in their sights since author Richard Matheson just signed off on the possibility (via DH). Guess when a movie makes such major moolah little things like a dead main character (uh.. spoiler!) and the end of the end of civilization are easily side-stepped.

--- Still not sure when Greg McLean's croc-thriller Rogue is hitting here in the States, but BD has got some new pics from it. That one there ---> I think might be spoilery? Looks like some serious flesh-wounds happen to our assumed leading lady Radha, at least (Is that her? It's hard to tell).

--- Hey! Remember how I told you the other day that the latest issue of the Buffy comics hit the stands on Wednesday?: Well I hope y'all didn't trek to the comic book store like I did (in this bitter effing weather, too), since I was a liar; AICN says it's on stands today, even though Dark Horse comics website still says it came out on Wednesday. Lying liar bastard people!!!


Glenn Dunks said...

Jesus fucking christ. SERIOUSLY.

Anonymous said...

Man oh man is he beautiful. Thank you for this.