Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quote of the Day

This one comes from somebody I know! (Holy crap!) It's Mr. Joseph Reid at Low Resolution in the middle of the second part of his terrifically informative Winter Movie Preview, informing me of a movie I've heretofore ignored and suddenly feel a deep shame for doing so now:

"Movie: Possession (Joel Bergvall; Simon Sandquist)
High-Concept Synopsis: Sarah Michelle Gellar has a husband (Michael Landes) who has a brother (Lee Pace) who is a total shady character. Then there's a car accident and Pace survives...only with his brother's memories. Korean horror remake isn't another Grudge film, even though the trailer features that same shot of SMG looking weirded out in the shower.
Who Will Be Seeing It: Buffy fans, for the SMG factor. Pushing Daisies fans, for the Lee Pace factor. Fans of both Buffy AND Pushing Daisies, who are used to yelling constantly about their chosen programs so get used to it."

That's me!

Seriously, the boyfriend mentioned this movie two days ago and I had nothing to offer. I knew it had Smidge and I knew it was Smidge starring in another (ugh) Asian remake, but that was it. I had not a clue Lee Pace was in it. NOT A CLUE.

I have failed us all, but mostly myself. The time for hari-kari has come. Well, after I see this movie. Once I exit the theater I will eviscerate myself onto the popcorn counter. Swear! I did it for you, Damien Smidge!!!

Aaaanyway, here are a couple of pics:


1 comment:

RJ said...

ANOTHER Asian remake? What's up SMG?