Why am I so endlessly amused by Eric Bana's enormous codpiece (prev. post) in The Other Boleyn Girl? Am I 12? I guess The Bana just makes me all giggly like a schoolgirl. It cannot be helped.
Here are a couple more shots of Bana working the ridiculously fruity Renaissance costumes and still looking like All Man. They're from this gallery here, which has a bunch of other shots of those two little girls that play opposite him in the film, if you're into that sort of thing. Honestly, I don't know why he's bothering with these twits. What he needs is another match-up like this. Only... nakeder. Anyhoo, Boleyn is out on February 29th.
Here are a couple more shots of Bana working the ridiculously fruity Renaissance costumes and still looking like All Man. They're from this gallery here, which has a bunch of other shots of those two little girls that play opposite him in the film, if you're into that sort of thing. Honestly, I don't know why he's bothering with these twits. What he needs is another match-up like this. Only... nakeder. Anyhoo, Boleyn is out on February 29th.
Why Mr. Bana, what...billowy sleeves you have.
Wow. Those sleeves are... like... astronomically huge.
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